End Time Swallows Ministry
The work of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ has been placed largely upon humans! It is through the work of reconciling men to God through acts of benevolence and self-sacrifice that God wishes to impress upon man the image of His own dear Son that was lost in Eden. It is the developing of this character that is necessary to fit humans into the kingdom of love. It is for humans to experience the everlasting joys that are hidden in co-working with God. It is for the salvation of the soul that God places the responsibility on humans to carry out the gospel commission.

Embassy Ministry
During the year, each embassies are encouraged to be involved in spiritual activities both in their local churches and as End Time Swallows. The highlights of embassy ministries.

End of Year Ministry (EOYM)
End of Year Ministry as the name suggest is the time of the year when all swallows members around the country come together to a appointed venue to do ministry.
Ministry Highlight
The love for Jesus Christ is the only driving force that prompted and actuated His ministry. “ Jesus saith to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these?’ He saith unto Him, ‘Yea, Lord; Thou knowest that I love Thee.’ He saith unto him, ‘Feed My sheep.’