Meet Swallows

End Time Swallows’ members are part of five (5) branches known as ‘Embassies’ located in certain part of the country. The five embassies are Port Moresby Embassy, Lae Embassy, Mt. Hagen Embassy, Mendi Embassy, and Wabag Embassy. Meet The Swallows gives you a brief description of each Embassy and their members.

Head embassy

Head Embassy or the ‘HE’ are the leaders of the ETS comprising of ETS members within the group that were chosen to carry out respective and active roles in leading the ministry. 

Port Moresby Embassy

port moresby embassy

The members of Pom ETS are comprised mainly of the senior members. Now working in various organisations in Port Moresby, they gather regularly on…

Lae Embassy

Lae embassy

Lae End Time Swallows Embassy was started at the University of Technology by some of the current senior boys way back in the late ’90s. It is the embassy…

Hagen Embassy

hagen embassy

Mt Hagen, in the highlands of PNG is the birthplace of the ministry. The group’s core members seem to be coming out of this place, even after some…

Wabag Embassy

wabag embassy

Wabag is one of the least developed towns of PNG, yet holds some of the strongest members of the team. The current team is comprised mainly…

Mendi Embassy

mendi embassy

This is the latest team to become an embassy of End Time Swallows. The team is based in Mendi town SDA church and takes programs around…