Come join the End Time Swallows as we present a series of End Time Messages under the theme of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. While man and woman everywhere are doing almost everything under the sun except preparing to meet Jesus Christ coming the second time, why not take a different stand and join the End Time Swallows ushering the coming of the Great King of the Universe Jesus Christ.
30 Years in Ministry - Since 1993
Join us celebrate the 30 years of ministry changing lives for Christ in 2025.

About Us
End Time Swallows Ministry is a self funded ministry arm of the Seventh Day Adventist Church recognised by the Papua New Guinea Union Mission (PNGUM) of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Existing for over 3o years, the group has grown from young boys from high schools to now man and professionals with families still embraching ministry as the core part of their lives here on Earth ushering the coming of the great King Jesus Christ.
Ministry Over Years
Brief highlights of ministry arms conducted over the years.

Evangelism is the core function of the ministry. During the year, each embassy's carry out their own ministry closely monitored by Head embassy which culminates at the EOYM which all embassy's come together to do ministry.

As part of evangelism as exampled set by the master himself when doing His ministry on earth. Health comes hand-in-hand with the Gospel. ETS medical team also carry out health awareness and clinics at the EOYM.

Community Service
Community service is also part of the ministry. ETS always give back to the community through community service not limited to community cleanup, fix roads and pedestrian bridges...

Youth Development
ETS leave to be an example to their peers in their community, school and church. Living a life of biblical principles that guides them through youth and marriage.
Life's Touched