About Us

End Time Swallows is a family ministry blowing the trumpet in these last days as part of the Global Movement heralding the coming of the Great King of the Universe Jesus Christ.

We hope you will be part of the movement across the globe where young men and women are taking decided stands against the flooding waves of errors, lies, corruption and degradation that the world is succumbing to.

We would like to invite you to join us wherever you are to share in our hope, our testimony, and our desire, and take part in the ministry. The focus is to sound the trumpet to get the family of believers ready to meet their Lord and share in the Great Work that the Prophets and Apostles started from the time of the beginning, solely based upon the inspiration of one man, Jesus Christ!

May God bless you all!

ETS Story

The beginning of ETS ministry...The message that glowed in the hearts of these young men was that every individual regardless of age or status need to be involved in some form of ministry in enhancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and unless...

ETS Mission

What are the Aims of End Time Swallows Ministry?...Reach young people everywhere with the message of Jesus Christ... Reach people in remote areas and share with them principals and ideas of right living and what to avoid from urban influences...

Swallows Name

In 1994 towards the end of the year, the group's name was changed to "Swallows", a small bird but yet can cross vast lands, towering mountains, deep jungles and even the unknown oceans just to signal to the farmers on the other side of the world that...