Our Story

It is the year 1992, and in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, at the capital of Western Highlands Province, Mt. Hagen… the LORD is bringing a couple of young men together, who at that time didn’t know that they were called for a mission greater than what they imagined…

The End Time Swallows Story

Starting off in the local school taking religious instruction in classrooms they continued on till they were singing psalms and sharing the word of God to the entire student body during the morning assemblies. And one particular school comes into mind, that is the Hagen Park Secondary School (high school back then) were the gracious LORD inspiringly begun the ministry of the End Time Swallows.

The message that glowed in the hearts of these young men was that every individual regardless of age or status need to be involved in some form of ministry in enhancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and unless the individual come out and be separate from the systems and philosophies of this world and will wait upon the LORD for his/ her strength to be renewed, shall mount up with wings as eagles, will run, and not be weary, will walk and not faint.

The news of the influence these young men had on the school reached boundaries beyond the school, and soon they were conducting programs, singing at church fellowships or meetings and doing visitations. This paved the way for ETS to conduct its first meeting at Kongop just outside of Mt. Hagen where each Swallow took a night each. The taste and the experience the Holy Spirit endowed upon them was the turning point in most of these young men, and on the years to come they would embark on a journey that will shape up their philosophies in life and the influence that they would have on those around them.

In the years 1994 and 1995 the first of the ETS members that passed out from various high schools in Mt. Hagen by now were in secondary schools in certain provinces of the country. And the LORD put in their hearts to continue the ministry from wherever they may be and with whomever they meet. Hence the message of separation and trusting upon the LORD was preached and sang in the secondary schools and provinces they were in, convicting and convincing as well other young men to make decided stands to follow Christ.

In 1996 these young men were already in tertiary institutions, and by this time the LORD had already blessed End Time Swallows with two things; the first was a new genre of music called the ‘Spirituals’ and the second was the gospel revelation of ‘separation from this world’ and that ‘Jesus is the legitimate Son of God’. From then on wards new members join in, and it was now a fraternity with embassies set up in various provinces of the country, ministering with the same structure, message, principles, conduct and genre of singing.

Now working, married and with children, these men did not forget their highest calling in life, and with their families by their side they continue on mentoring the new generation of End Time Swallows young men, at the same time influencing the life’s of those around them by living the word of God with Christ’s unending grace.

End Time Swallows throughout the years have helped in setting-up churches, strengthened young men/ women in following Christ closely and winning souls into the Kingdom of God. While many see church as a building or an organization, End Time Swallows see church as a called-out people, a spiritually family whose wonderings on this earth is but a temporary one to which they wait and longed for a better heavenly home. Glory and honor to the Eternal King Jesus Christ who willingly step-down for humanity and elevated us to a level same as His and greater than the angels. May His name be forever and ever lifted and praised. Amen!

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