Our Mission

End Time Swallows main call has been to work with the intelligence of Heaven in bringing the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.


  • Children and youths today are the ones that change tomorrow, so they should be influenced early in life today to know God and commit their lives to ministry. They can influence the world positively for a better community, working for the greater glory of Christ Jesus.
  • God through Jesus Christ created all man and woman equal, the family unit being the basis of societies; the family unit must be protected, and for those that do not have proper families, care,love and sharing must take place.
  • Jesus Christ is coming again, visibly and clearly to put an end to Satan, Sin and Death.
  • The Commandments of God, as revealed in the Old Testament, are binding upon humanity and a summary of the entire duty of Mankind.
  • God speaks to people today directly through the Holy Spirit, but guided exclusively by the Bible and Bible only.


  • Reach young people everywhere with the message of Jesus Christ so they become better people living their lives rightfully having a positive influence to people around them.
  • Reach people in remote areas and share with them principals and ideas of right living and what to avoid from urban influences.
  • Influence young people with the group’s philosophies while growing the Seventh‐day Adventist movement and shaping the lives of young people with care and love.