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Lifestyle Illnesses – Diseases of Lust

Lifestyle diseases have been used to encompass diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, artherosclerosis , stroke and heart attack. It is now the root cuase of most of the deaths around the world today.

However, lifestyle diseases are not limited to the ones mentioned. Lifestyle diseases are caused by the way in which we look after our bodies. So a smoker dying from lung cancer is a lifestyle disease just as much as an alcoholic dying from liver cirrhosis…

By Dr. Robert Jones

The Greatest Want of the World

Did you know that the Greatest want of the World today is the WANT OF MEN! – Not just any men, but men who will not be bought or sold, men who are ….

Quote from E.G.White (Education)

The Devil Sinned – Part 1

The Devil has already sinned, death has crossed the universe and threatened to drown the life out off of the creatures of God. Sin has been introduced and the great Kingdom of the Father stands threatened by Death, rebellion, pride, selfishness and blindness.

The Son, who led in the Creation of both Heaven and Earth cannot stand by and watch the beautiful universe crumble into disarray and death.

Written By Rungi Pingi

Chameleon – Light and What We do with it

A young man once wanted to find out how geckos changed colour and so postulated that they must change colour based on what they see around them. If the environment is dark, their skin changes to a darker shade and if it’s light then their skin becomes light aswell. So based on this assumption, he blind-folded the gecko and placed it on a different coloured surface but to his amazement it still changed colour.

By Robert Jones